I was frustrated that not all women were included in eyewear design.
Hi, I’m Ashley! When I discovered that most eyewear was designed for a slender, Eurocentric face shape, I was frustrated with how many women were being excluded from the design process. Women have become so used to wearing glasses that are too tight, too narrow, leave imprints on cheeks, slide, and hit long lashes.
We are an inclusive eyewear brand with three unique nose bridge fits and face width options that look great and feel great on all types of faces.
The end result: women who weren't included in eyewear design finally found their perfect-fitting frames. My ultimate goal is for you to feel seen, heard, and confident in your eyewear.
To our dreams,
Ashley Mariko Meilan Johnson
Founder, Mohala Eyewear
Obama Leader 2023
12M+ views watch Ashley's Obama Leaders' Feature
We offer a range of nose bridges sizes, widths, and adjustable frame options to provide the perfect fit for EVERY woman.

Mohala Eyewear was founded to empower women and girls everywhere.
We donate the cost of one week of school for each pair of glasses purchased and one day of school for each accessory purchased to Room to Read Girls' Education Program. 95,000 days of school donated to date!
When a girl is educated, she is more likely to create a smaller and healthier family, earn a higher wage, and avoid childhood marriage and sex trafficking, thus decreasing poverty, growing stronger economies, and the world gets better.
Not sure about your nose bridge size? Take our Find My Fit Quiz