Article: The Women We Know - Trina Orimoto

The Women We Know - Trina Orimoto
Model: Trina Orimoto
Photographer: Tahiti Huetter
Hair and Makeup: Racyne Sugai
Meet our Model Trina Orimoto: Advocate, Doctor, Mama, Empiricist
Trina has a 3-year-old son, a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, and works in children’s mental health for the State of Hawaii.
Trina’s Thoughts on Mindset
I am a collector of quotes and one of my favorites is from Mother Teresa, "we can do no great things, only small things with great love." I try hard to infuse every small moment of my existence with love and gratitude: scrubbing the toilet, having a difficult conversation with a co-worker, putting my fussy toddler in his car seat. I know that I need to create a foundation of gratitude and love in order to move forward on any goal that I set.

Trina on Mindfulness
Before I begin to work each day, I sit with a cup of coffee, spend at least a minute in mindful breathing, and reflect on three things that I am grateful for. This practice creates a necessary foundation of gratitude and propels me through the joys and challenges of the day. One of my recent lists? A fragrant gardenia from my 6 AM Bar Method friend, Erin. Delicious leftovers for breakfast. The ability to work with friends.

Trina on Motherhood
Motherhood is a constant exercise in shifting my perspective. I have to constantly remind myself that every one of my son's behaviors is normal and makes perfect sense given his biology and life experiences. Last month, he refused to get into his car seat in the market parking lot. I silently lost my shit. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that he hadn't had a nap and was still a toddler. Wouldn't I also be pissed if someone told me that I had to leave immediately (without warning), when I was looking at something in the store? Obviously, he was not effective in his response (and there were consequences for that), but at least I could approach him with understanding and patience.

Trina on Being a Working Mom
Out of pure luck and blessing, I was born to a loving family and have found a loving partner and loving friends. I rely on this community for practical and emotional support and am refreshed both by being helped by them and helping them. Secondly, when I returned to work after having Cole, I read a book called "I Know How She Does It" by Laura Vanderkam. The author analyzed the schedules of successful women and found that many of them worked to maximize the time in a week, rather than the time in a day. For example, rather than trying to exercise every day (and feeling guilty for not doing so), they exercised 3 or 4 times a week, including weekend mornings when it was easier.
Trina on Being Married to a Twin
Being in a partnership with a twin was an adjustment. Aaron has a telepathic understanding of his brother and literally is always in communication with him. As an only child, I am always in communication with...myself. Thus, I have learned to create spaces for the multiple relationship dynamics that need to be nurtured: Aaron (Trina's husband) and Jordan (Aaron's twin brother), Rebecca (Jordan's wife) and Jordan, Aaron and Rebecca, Jordan and me, Aaron and me, and I do not get in the way when each of those relationships needs time. Aaron and I explicitly make time for each other, even if it is simply binge-watching Fleabag or Killing Eve. I am eternally grateful for the closeness of our families and am overjoyed that I get to (finally) have siblings.

Trina on the Value in Educating Girls
I believe that we are all interconnected and the success of one community engenders success for the larger community. Women and girls (and those that identify as female) make up half of the world's population, and their protection, encouragement, and success (which haven't historically been promoted) will naturally lead to greater success for our world population. Also, I believe that women and girls deserve every opportunity given to their male counterparts if they want it! Tell me, why should it be any different?
Increasing the scope of women's rights and decision-making roles will naturally lead to a prioritization of internal beauty. This needs to occur at all levels of society: political, economic, social, religious and artistic. Ways I try to do this are considering the needs of women in policy decisions at work, supporting women-owned businesses (hooray Mohala Eyewear), promoting stories about heroic women (Tami Ashcraft's story in the film Adrift) and combating gender stereotypes as I raise my son.
Shop the Kaimana and Keana sunglasses Trina wears in this shoot.
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